Bath House External
The Entrance
Another Angle of the entrance.
Looking back into the entrance.
Entrance framed with the doors.
Looking back at the entrance hall.
Grand pillars in the lobby type area.
Random bed in the corner.
Then we head upstairs.
First floor landing.
Another angle of the first floor landing.
First floor landing looking down the staircase.
Large gym on the first floor.
Different angle of the large gym.
Another gym on the first floor, featuring Michael Jackson.
We head back downstairs to the grand bath house.
As you enter the bath house.
Looking up at the domed ceiling.
Full view of the bath house including the domed ceiling.
You may recognise the bath from the film “A cure for wellness”. The nurse sends him in the wrong direction to the bath house. He was actually heading the right way even though the buildings are not connected. Well they are connected by service tunnels but not over ground. We actually accessed the men’s pavilion via the tunnels so we were not wondering around outside searching for access.
Selection of other rooms on the ground floor.
Grand piano surrounded by fluff. I believe this was a set for a film or music video. However the piano has been here a long time.
So apparently this operating chair came from across the main road and was in another part of the site. Now it seems it has moved again to the men,s pavilion.
The ever moving chair.
Light attached to an operating chair.
The light caught this chair perfectly.