On an urbex tour of French chateaus with Behind Closed Doors and Proj3ct M4yh3m we paid a lil visit to this beauty. The first stop of the day before heading on to Chateau Du Cavalier.
Not a lot of history to be found on this Beautiful French Chateau. It has clearly been abandoned for some time, its holding up for now but there has been a colapse at one end of the building. Sadly the chateau is not protected by law in anyway, so it is left to rot. I did read someone fell in love with this chateau and attempted to purchase it. Due to unknown reasons the owners sadly declined the offer.
The main feature here is the stunning staircase, which has sadly recieved mindless graffitti. I am not opposed to it but a beautiful chateau is not the place. Some people have tried to paint over it but it can still be seen. There are lots of intricate details throughout the ground floor and most of the rooms take up the whole depth of the chateau, having windows front and rear it gets bathed in light rather nicely.
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