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Grand Hotel Birmingham: A fairly stripped room with a few remaining features.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: A larger room in a little bit better condition.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: There was a lack of light at the base of the staircase.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: Part way up the staircase.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: Looking down the main staircase.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: The grovesnor room from the small balcony. I had no way to get down or in the room. All the doors were locked.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: Large mirrors next to the balcony. So after another search I return with a solution. A sketchy solution.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: So I eventually get to the floor level.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: There is a much larger balcony.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: Looking back to the small balconies. You can see my makeshift ropeladder hanging on the right.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: Looking up under the large archway.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: Another full length view of the room.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: A full legth view slightly looking up.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: A good look at the ceiling.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: Looking towards the large windows.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: Reflection from the large mirror.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: Looking up to the ceiling against the large mirror.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: A closer shot to show more ceiling detail.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: The entrance lobby was really dark but full of features.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: Entrance lobby leading to the balcony.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: Staircase and under the balcony.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: There is some decay up on the balcony.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: Even more mirrors up here.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: Balcony from the other side.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: Looking out from the main balcony.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: Ceiling view from the balcony.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: Fianlly a smaller room with grand piano. The big doors were full of detail.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: Looking back to the main room.
Grand Hotel Birmingham: Full wide shot of the smaller room.
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